UK Settled Candidate Form

UK Settled Candidate Form

Full name

UK address (incl postcode)

Contact no.

Email address

Date of Birth

Are you British or ILR (or EU National)

Country of Origin

Are you IN or OUT of job

Your current job

Years of experience

Name and location of current employer

How long with current employer

What is your current job and duties, list of responsibilities?

No. of days & hours worked

Are you on a Gross salary or cash in hand?

Gross Salary

Net income received (after tax)

Do you get payslips and P60 and how is your salary paid?

If on cash in hand please state pay how many hours declared?

We facilitate full time fully declared gross salary jobs, is this acceptable? If not explain your requirement

Reason for seeking new opportunity

Future salary expectation (Gross/Net)

What were your previous 2 jobs and employers ( in UK)

Do you have references? (if so please upload)

What is your main skill / primary experience

Other skills & experience

Can you also provide food pics, Menus/Award certificates / Commendation letters etc (if so please upload)

Do you have a VIDEO demo, if not can you provide? (if so please upload)

Are you willing to relocate to another area?

Please state any employer and /or location preference. State anything you DON’T want in a job option. (Please note this is subject to availability and conditions)

Notice period to leave current job or When can you start new job?

Are you planning to take leave of absence within next 12 months? (if so please state when)

Which service option do you wish Standard or Gold Premium ? (see details)

Are you willing to do temporary relief or stand in Chef work? Yes / NO (highly paid opportunities available throughout UK)

Would you like to know about Goldstar Chefs Working Partnership Scheme(WPS)? (Please indicate) Yes / No

Please upload or email copies of following items Your CV (with photo)
BRP Card - if ILR
Reference or experience letters confirming your skills and experience
Additional information / requests / any questions.

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how can we help you?

Feel free to contact us at your convenience and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you..

Are you looking for Chefs? It’s time to work the new way!